




Science 24 August 2012: 967-971.
Published online 28 June 2012

  • Received for publication 19 March 2012.
  • Accepted for publication 15 June 2012.

Landscape of Somatic Retrotransposition in Human Cancers

  • Eunjung Lee, Rebecca Iskow, Lixing Yang,他多数 and The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network


Transposable elements (TEs) are abundant in the human genome, and some are capable of generating new insertions through RNA intermediates. In cancer, the disruption of cellular mechanisms that normally suppress TE activity may facilitate mutagenic retrotranspositions. We performed single-nucleotide resolution analysis of TE insertions in 43 high-coverage whole-genome sequencing data sets from five cancer types. We identified 194 high-confidence somatic TE insertions, as well as thousands of polymorphic TE insertions in matched normal genomes. Somatic insertions were present in epithelial tumors but not in blood or brain cancers. Somatic L1 insertions tend to occur in genes that are commonly mutated in cancer, disrupt the expression of the target genes, and are biased toward regions of cancer-specific DNA hypomethylation, highlighting their potential impact in tumorigenesis.


Fig 2のレジェンドから引用すると・・・・

  • Frequency of high-confidence somatic L1 insertions varies across 5 colorectal, 7 prostate, 8 ovarian, 7 multiple myeloma, and 16 glioblastoma tumors. Three epithelial cancers (colorectal, prostate, and ovarian) show frequent somatic L1 insertions, whereas no insertions are observed in the blood and brain cancers. One colorectal tumor (CR3518) contains 102 L1 insertions, increasing the average somatic event frequency for colorectal tumors from 9 to 28 when this sample is included.





Images in Clinical Medicine

Hernia through the Foramen of Winslow

Wen Cheng Huang, M.D., and Chih-Yuan Fu, M.D.

N Engl J Med 2012; 367: August 2, 2012



  Author:川崎磨美(福井病院 外科), 上田順彦, 古屋大, 中川原寿俊, 吉光裕, 澤敏治

  Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)66巻3号 Page734-738(2005.03)

  Abstract:内ヘルニアによる絞扼性イレウスの診断で緊急手術を施行した結果,Winslow孔ヘルニアの診断を得た1例を経験したので報告する. 症例は45歳,女性.腹痛と嘔吐を主訴に来院した.来院時,腹部膨満,心窩部痛を認めるも筋性防御は認めなかった.腹部単純X線検査にて胃小彎内側で第一 腰椎の高さに拡張した腸管ガス像を認めた.また腹部CT検査で肝左葉背側面,胃小彎および肝十二指腸間膜に囲まれた部分に拡張した腸管ガス像を認めた.保 存的治療にて経過観察していたが,翌日筋性防御も出現してきたため絞扼性イレウスの診断で緊急手術を行った.開腹したところ回腸末端から30cmの小腸が 約50cm,Winslow孔に嵌入していた.用手的に整復し腸切除は必要なかった.Winslow孔ヘルニアは腹部単純X線検査や腹部CT検査にて比較 的特徴的な所見を呈することが多いため,原因不明のイレウスの診断の際には本症も念頭に置き画像を読影する必要がある(著者抄録).
:病因としては, 1)異常に大きなWinslow孔, 2)上行結腸の後腹膜への固定の欠如, 3)総腸管膜症の存在, 4)異常に大きな肝右葉, 5)小腸間膜の異常な過長などが挙げられており,これらに加えて腹圧の急激な上昇(怒責,重労働,大食いなど)が誘因となって発症すると考えられている. 自験例を含む26例の集計では, 年齢は8歳から84歳(平均45歳), 性別は男性13例,女性13例と性差はなかった. 主訴は腹痛, 嘔吐, 嘔気などのイレウス症状がほとんどで本症に特徴的なものはなく, 臨床所見から本疾患を診断することは困難である.

本邦報告例のうち, 術前にWinslow孔ヘルニアと診断された症例は26例中11例で, イレウスと診断された症例は4例であった. 陥入臓器は小腸:22例,盲腸・上行結腸・回腸末端:2例,横行結腸:1例,胆嚢:1例であった.

消P-267  Winslow孔ヘルニアの2例_術前診断に関する検討

日本消化器病学会雑誌 第98巻 臨時増刊号 日本消化器病学会雑誌 98(suppl.2): 514-514, 2001.





声の出ないbrain CT: NEJMのイメージ

見た瞬間「なんだこれ」。でも「門脈の『あの病態』にそっくりだな」と思ったbrain CT である。

Images in Clinical Medicine

Cerebral Air Embolism

Mariana Dutra, M.D., and Celso Massumoto, Ph.D.

N Engl J Med 2012; 367:850 August 30, 2012










Nature (2012)

Published online

Recurrent R-spondin fusions in colon cancer

Department of Molecular Biology, Genentech Inc

Somasekar Seshagiri, Eric W. Stawiski, Steffen Durinck, Zora Modrusan, Elaine E. Storm, Caitlin B. Conboy, Subhra Chaudhuri, Yinghui Guan, Vasantharajan Janakiraman, Bijay S. Jaiswal, Joseph Guillory, Connie Ha, Gerrit J. P. Dijkgraaf, Jeremy Stinson, Florian Gnad, Melanie A. Huntley, Jeremiah D. Degenhardt, Peter M. Haverty, Richard Bourgon, Weiru Wang, Hartmut, Koeppen, Robert Gentleman, Timothy K. Starr, Zemin Zhang, David A. Largaespada, Thomas D. Wu & Frederic J. de Sauvage

  • Identifying and understanding changes in cancer genomes is essential for the development of targeted therapeutics1. Here we analyse systematically more than 70 pairs of primary human colon tumours by applying next-generation sequencing to characterize their exomes, transcriptomes and copy-number alterations. We have identified 36,303 protein-altering somatic changes that include several new recurrent mutations in the Wnt pathway gene TCF7L2, chromatin-remodelling genes such as TET2 and TET3 and receptor tyrosine kinases including ERBB3. Our analysis for significantly mutated cancer genes identified 23 candidates, including the cell cycle checkpoint kinase ATM. Copy-number and RNA-seq data analysis identified amplifications and corresponding overexpression of IGF2 in a subset of colon tumours. Furthermore, using RNA-seq data we identified multiple fusion transcripts including recurrent gene fusions involving R-spondin family members RSPO2 and RSPO3 that together occur in 10% of colon tumours. The RSPO fusions were mutually exclusive with APC mutations, indicating that they probably have a role in the activation of Wnt signalling and tumorigenesis. Consistent with this we show that the RSPO fusion proteins were capable of potentiating Wnt signalling. The R-spondin gene fusions and several other gene mutations identified in this study provide new potential opportunities for therapeutic intervention in colon cancer.

  • がんゲノムの変化を同定および理解することは、標的治療の開発に不可欠である。本論文では、次世代塩基配列解読法を用いて、70対以上のヒト原発性大腸腫瘍を系統的に解析し、そのエキソーム、トランスクリプトームおよびコピー数変化の特徴付けを行った。我々は、タンパク質を変化させる36,303の体細胞変化を同定したが、その中にはWnt経路の遺伝子である TCF7L2 、クロマチンリモデリング遺伝子である TET2や TET3 など、および ERBB3 を含む受容体型チロシンキナーゼにおける、新しい頻発性変異もいくつか含まれている。有意な変異が見られたがん遺伝子の解析から、細胞周期チェックポイントキナーゼの遺伝子 ATM を含む、23個の候補遺伝子が同定された。コピー数とRNA-seqのデータの解析から、一部の大腸腫瘍において、 IGF2の増幅と、それに対応した過剰発現が明らかになった。さらに我々は、RNA-seqデータを用いて、多数の融合転写産物を明らかにした。これには、R-スポンジンファミリーに属する RSPO2 および RSPO3が関与する頻発性の遺伝子融合(合わせると大腸腫瘍の10%に見られる)が含まれる。このような RSPO融合と APCの変異には相互排他的な関係が見られることから、 RSPO 融合は、おそらくWntシグナル伝達の活性化と腫瘍形成に関与していることが示される。これと一致して、RSPO融合タンパク質はWntシグナル伝達を増強できることがわかった。今回明らかになったR-スポンジン遺伝子の融合とほかのいくつかの遺伝子変異は、大腸がんの治療的介入の新しい可能性を提供する。(日本語訳:8 /30 追加


68例の大腸癌が横に並んでいる。オレンジ色はR-spondinの融合例。その直ぐ下にAPC の変異例(水色)が見えるが、症例が重ならないというのがミソなのだ。つまりいずれかがやられてWntシグナル系が活性化し大腸癌発癌に至るという良くできたお話しなのである。



Images in Clinical Medicine

Coronary Arteritis

Matthew J. Brooks, M.D., and Ravi Iyer, M.D.

N Engl J Med 2012; 367:658 August 16, 2012







Merlin: The neurofibromatosis 2 tumor suppressor(NF2, メルリン)という22番染色体上の遺伝子異常によって起こる常染色体優性遺伝をする遺伝病であり、もちろんgermlineの突然変異でおこる孤発例(probandにはなる)もある。40000人に一人の発症率だそうだ。

3000人に一人発症するといわれるのが、「神経線維腫症I型」であり、こちらは中枢神経よりは末梢更には皮膚病変が主体となる。常染色体優性遺伝ということではII型と同様であるが、こちらは17番染色体のneurofibromin (NF1,ニューロフィブロミン)の変異によるとされる。Café au lait spot と神経の皮下のこぶの多発ーーいわゆるvon Recklinghausen病である。












Published Online August 1 2012
Lineage Tracing Reveals Lgr5+ Stem Cell Activity in Mouse Intestinal Adenomas

Arnout G. Schepers*, Hugo J. Snippert*,†, Daniel E. Stange, Maaike van den Born, Johan H. van Es,
Marc van de Wetering, Hans Clevers‡
  • Abstract:The concept that tumors are maintained by dedicated stem cells, the so-called cancer stem cell hypothesis, has attracted great interest but remains controversial. Studying mouse models, we provide direct, functional evidence for the presence of stem cell activity within primary intestinal adenomas, a precursor to intestinal cancer. By “lineage retracing” using the multicolor Cre-reporter R26R-Confetti, we demonstrate that the crypt stem cell marker Lgr5 (leucine-rich repeat–containing heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide–binding protein–coupled receptor 5) also marks a subpopulation of adenoma cells that fuel the growth of established intestinal adenomas. These Lgr5+ cells, which represent about 5 to 10% of the cells in the adenomas, generate additional Lgr5+ cells as well as all other adenoma cell types. The Lgr5+ cells are intermingled with Paneth cells near the adenoma base, a pattern reminiscent of the architecture of the normal crypt niche
Nature | Letter
A restricted cell population propagates glioblastoma growth after chemotherapy

Jian Chen, Yanjiao Li, Tzong-Shiue Yu, Renée M. McKay, Dennis K. Burns, Steven G. Kernie & Luis F. Parada

Received 26 January 2011
Accepted 07 June 2012
Published online 01 August 2012
  • Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common primary malignant brain tumour, with a median survival of about one year1. This poor prognosis is due to therapeutic resistance and tumour recurrence after surgical removal. Precisely how recurrence occurs is unknown. Using a genetically engineered mouse model of glioma, here we identify a subset of endogenous tumour cells that are the source of new tumour cells after the drug temozolomide (TMZ) is administered to transiently arrest tumour growth. A nestin-ΔTK-IRES-GFP (Nes-ΔTK-GFP) transgene that labels quiescent subventricular zone adult neural stem cells also labels a subset of endogenous glioma tumour cells. On arrest of tumour cell proliferation with TMZ, pulse-chase experiments demonstrate a tumour re-growth cell hierarchy originating with the Nes-ΔTK-GFP transgene subpopulation. Ablation of the GFP+ cells with chronic ganciclovir administration significantly arrested tumour growth, and combined TMZ and ganciclovir treatment impeded tumour development. Thus, a relatively quiescent subset of endogenous glioma cells, with properties similar to those proposed for cancer stem cells, is responsible for sustaining long-term tumour growth through the production of transient populations of highly proliferative cells.
Nature | Letter
Defining the mode of tumour growth by clonal analysis

Gregory Driessens, Benjamin Beck, Amélie Caauwe, Benjamin D. Simons & Cédric Blanpain

Nature (2012)

Received 26 February 2012
Accepted 22 June 2012
Published online 01 August 2012
  • Recent studies using the isolation of a subpopulation of tumour cells followed by their transplantation into immunodeficient mice provide evidence that certain tumours1, 2, including squamous skin tumours3, 4, 5, contain cells with high clonogenic potential that have been referred to as cancer stem cells (CSCs). Until now, CSC properties have only been investigated by transplantation assays, and their existence in unperturbed tumour growth is unproven. Here we make use of clonal analysis of squamous skin tumours using genetic lineage tracing to unravel the mode of tumour growth in vivo in its native environment. To this end, we used a genetic labelling strategy that allows individual tumour cells to be marked and traced over time at different stages of tumour progression. Surprisingly, we found that the majority of labelled tumour cells in benign papilloma have only limited proliferative potential, whereas a fraction has the capacity to persist long term, giving rise to progeny that occupy a significant part of the tumour. As well as confirming the presence of two distinct proliferative cell compartments within the papilloma, mirroring the composition, hierarchy and fate behaviour of normal tissue, quantitative analysis of clonal fate data indicates that the more persistent population has stem-cell-like characteristics and cycles twice per day, whereas the second represents a slower cycling transient population that gives rise to terminally differentiated tumour cells. Such behaviour is shown to be consistent with double-labelling experiments and detailed clonal fate characteristics. By contrast, measurements of clone size and proliferative potential in invasive squamous cell carcinoma show a different pattern of behaviour, consistent with geometric expansion of a single CSC population with limited potential for terminal differentiation. This study presents the first experimental evidence for the existence of CSCs during unperturbed solid tumour growth.









