- 高繊維食品を摂取する
研究では、十分な食物繊維を摂取することで、憩室炎の再発を防ぐことができ、将来的の手術を減らすことができると示唆されている。食物繊維の摂取目安は25 g/1日が推奨される。
Berries. Throw some blueberries or raspberries into a smoothie or
stir them into a bowl of yogurt. One cup of berries will add 4 to 8
grams of fiber to your meal. ブルーベリー1カップで4g~8g
Beans. Beans and lentils are packed with fiber: each ½-cup serving
contains 5 to 8 grams. Take your taco up a notch by adding some black
beans to the mix, or try an online recipe for homemade hummus and dip
with carrots and celery for some crunchy, satisfying finger food. 豆2分の1カップで5g~8g
Nuts and popcorn. Contrary to what you may have heard, these foods
are fine to eat after you recover. Looking for a way to conquer a
sweet-and-salty craving between meals? Pair a handful of nuts or a few
cups of air-popped popcorn with a piece of fresh fruit. Three cups of
popcorn and a pear, for instance, pack more than 8 grams of fiber
together. ナッツあるいはポップコーン:両手分のナッツとポップコーン3カップ分(これに梨一個)で8g
Green veggies. When eating salad, choose spinach or kale over
regular lettuce. Oven-roast asparagus or Brussels sprouts in balsamic
vinegar for a delicious addition to dinner. One cup of these veggies
contains 4 grams of fiber. 緑色野菜のサラダ:レタスはやめてほうれん草やケールにしよう。1カップ分で4g
- 週に90分以上の運動をする
- 軽症の痛みにはアセトアミノフェンを服用する
- 回復後の大腸内視鏡検査について医師と相談する
- 「食物繊維が十分摂れているかどうかは、どうしたら分かりますか」
- 「炎症が治ったら、激しい運動を始めることができるくらい健康になりますか」
- 「アスピリンやその他の鎮痛剤を使ってはいけない理由はありますか」
- 「大腸癌ではないことを確かめるため、大腸内視鏡検査を受けるべきですか」
N Engl J Med 2016; 374 January 21, 2016
Spontaneous Retropharyngeal Hematoma
Noah Ditkofsky, M.D., and Tarek Hanna, M.D.
どうやら挿管はせずに済んだようだ。ICUに4日。急いで凍結血漿を投与している(なんせINRが11以上で出血である)。気道であるが気管支鏡所見として「patent airway」と記述されている。この右の写真はかなり危なくみえるが、いい度胸だと思うな。
- A 56-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 5-hour
history of throat swelling and pain and difficulty breathing that was
exacerbated by supine positioning; he had not had any obvious antecedent
trauma. His medical history included prostate cancer, hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, deep-vein thrombosis, and stroke. Medications included
warfarin (presumably for deep-vein thrombosis), antihypertensive agents,
and a statin. He was afebrile, and the physical examination was notable
for minor swelling of the posterior oropharynx. Laboratory studies
revealed a normal white-cell count, an international normalized ratio of
more than 11, a prothrombin time of more than 120 seconds, and an
activated partial-thromboplastin time of 127 seconds. Radiography of the
neck revealed marked soft-tissue swelling that was causing mass effect
on the airway (Panel A); the findings on a subsequent computed
tomographic scan of the neck were consistent with a retropharyngeal
hematoma, which was probably caused by supratherapeutic anticoagulation
(Panel B shows the sagittal view, and Panel C the axial view; the arrow
in each panel indicates the hematoma). Transnasal laryngoscopy revealed a
bulging posterior pharynx but a patent airway. The patient was
administered 6 units of fresh-frozen plasma and was admitted to the
intensive care unit for observation. His coagulopathy resolved, as did
his symptoms, and he was discharged 4 days after admission.