


Submitted on January 21, 2009
Accepted on February 20, 2009

FA 因子群と DNA 相同組換え修復との関連をさらに強く示唆することになったのは,2002 年D'Andrea らによる FANCD1 患者において BRCA2 遺伝子の両アリルに変異があるという報告であった.BRCA2 は家族性乳がんの原因遺伝子として同定され,相同組換え修復の中心因子 RAD51 を制御する重要な因子であることが明らかになっている.確かに他の相補群の FA 患者由来の細胞では RAD51の核内フォーカス形成能に明らかな異常がないのに対し,FANCD1 患者由来の細胞では RAD51 の核内フォーカス形成が著しく妨げられるさらに,近年新たな FA 原因遺伝子として BRCA2 と相互作用し,機能的なパートナーと考えられている PALB2(Partner and Localizer of BRCA2)が FANCN 原因遺伝子であることが報告され,FA 経路と相同組換え修復との関連がより明確になった.

Exomic Sequencing Identifies PALB2 as a Pancreatic Cancer Susceptibility Gene
Siân Jones 1, Ralph H. Hruban 2, Mihoko Kamiyama 3, Michael Borges 3, Xiaosong Zhang 1, D. Williams Parsons 1, Jimmy Cheng-Ho Lin 1, Emily Palmisano 4, Kieran Brune 4, Elizabeth M. Jaffee 2, Christine A. Iacobuzio-Donahue 2, Anirban Maitra 2, Giovanni Parmigiani 2, Scott E Kern 2, Victor E. Velculescu 5, Kenneth W. Kinzler 5, Bert Vogelstein 1, James R. Eshleman 2, Michael Goggins 6, Alison P. Klein

1 Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics and Therapeutics and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA.; Department of Oncology, The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA.

Through complete sequencing of the protein-coding genes in a patient with familial pancreatic cancer, we identified a germline, truncating mutation in PALB2 that appeared responsible for this patient’s predisposition to the disease. Analysis of 96 additional patients with familial pancreatic cancer revealed three distinct protein-truncating mutations, thereby validating the role of PALB2 as a susceptibility gene for pancreatic cancer. PALB2 mutations have been previously reported in patients with familial breast cancer and, interestingly, the PALB2 protein is a binding partner for BRCA2. These results illustrate that complete, unbiased sequencing of protein-coding genes can lead to the discovery of a gene responsible for a hereditary disease.

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