1) Nature
Nature advance online publication 16 September 2009 Received 16 August 2009; Accepted 28 August 2009; Published online 16 September 2009
Genetic variation in IL28B and spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus
David L. Thomas1,14, Chloe L. Thio1,14, Maureen P. Martin2,14, Ying Qi2, Dongliang Ge3, Colm O'hUigin2, Judith Kidd4, Kenneth Kidd4, Salim I. Khakoo5, Graeme Alexander6, James J. Goedert7, Gregory D. Kirk8, Sharyne M. Donfield9, Hugo R. Rosen10, Leslie H. Tobler11, Michael P. Busch11, John G. McHutchison12, David B. Goldstein3 & Mary Carrington2,13
- Johns Hopkins University, Division of Infectious Diseases, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA
Johns HopkinsからはC肝ウイルスの自然消失にはIL28の上流3kbにある多型(rs12979860)のgenotypeが最も関連しているという報告。C型ウイルスを自然に消失した388名と持続感染者620名との間でWGASを施行。Allele frequencyはCとTによるが、消失組でCを持つのが西欧系で80.3%、アフリカ系で56.7%、持続組ではそれぞれ66.7%、37%であった。これがgenotypeになると更に際だつ。すなわち西欧系C/Cでは消失組51.8%、アフリカ系55.2%、対してT/Tでは31.4%、20.8%となる。ORは少なくとも2倍を超える。
Cの人種別頻度はおおよそ アフリカ(低頻度)→西欧(中頻度)→アジア(高頻度)であり日本人は91%である。世界の中でも日本人はC肝ウイルスに感染しても、自然消失しているヒトが多いということか?
2) Nature Genetics
Published online: 13 September 2009
IL28B is associated with response to chronic hepatitis C interferon-
and ribavirin therapy
Vijayaprakash Suppiah1,2, Max Moldovan3, Golo Ahlenstiel4, Thomas Berg5, Martin Weltman6, Maria Lorena Abate7, Margaret Bassendine8, Ulrich Spengler4, Gregory J Dore9,10, Elizabeth Powell11,12, Stephen Riordan13, David Sheridan8, Antonina Smedile7, Vincenzo Fragomeli6, Tobias Müller5, Melanie Bahlo3, Graeme J Stewart2, David R Booth2 & Jacob George1 for the Hepatitis C Study14
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects 3% of the world's population. Treatment of chronic HCV consists of a combination of PEGylated interferon- (PEG-IFN-
) and ribavirin (RBV). To identify genetic variants associated with HCV treatment response, we conducted a genome-wide association study of sustained virological response (SVR) to PEG-IFN-
/RBV combination therapy in 293 Australian individuals with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C, with validation in an independent replication cohort consisting of 555 individuals. We report an association to SVR within the gene region encoding interleukin 28B (IL28B, also called IFN
3; rs8099917 combined P = 9.25
10-9, OR = 1.98, 95% CI = 1.57–2.52). IL28B contributes to viral resistance and is known to be upregulated by interferons and by RNA virus infection. These data suggest that host genetics may be useful for the prediction of drug response, and they also support the investigation of the role of IL28B in the treatment of HCV and in other diseases treated with IFN-
Storr Liver Unit, Westmead Millennium Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
3) Nature Genetics
Published online: 13 September 2009
Genome-wide association of IL28B with response to pegylated interferon-
and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C
Yasuhito Tanaka1,18, Nao Nishida2,18, Masaya Sugiyama1, Masayuki Kurosaki3, Kentaro Matsuura1, Naoya Sakamoto4, Mina Nakagawa4, Masaaki Korenaga5, Keisuke Hino5, Shuhei Hige6, Yoshito Ito7, Eiji Mita8, Eiji Tanaka9, Satoshi Mochida10, Yoshikazu Murawaki11, Masao Honda12, Akito Sakai12, Yoichi Hiasa13, Shuhei Nishiguchi14, Asako Koike15, Isao Sakaida16, Masatoshi Imamura17, Kiyoaki Ito17, Koji Yano17, Naohiko Masaki17, Fuminaka Sugauchi1, Namiki Izumi3, Katsushi Tokunaga2 & Masashi Mizokami1,17
The recommended treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C, pegylated interferon- (PEG-IFN-
) plus ribavirin (RBV), does not provide sustained virologic response (SVR) in all patients. We report a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to null virological response (NVR) in the treatment of patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 within a Japanese population. We found two SNPs near the gene IL28B on chromosome 19 to be strongly associated with NVR (rs12980275, P = 1.93
10-13, and rs8099917, 3.11
10-15). We replicated these associations in an independent cohort (combined P values, 2.84
10-27 (OR = 17.7; 95% CI = 10.0–31.3) and 2.68
10-32 (OR = 27.1; 95% CI = 14.6–50.3), respectively). Compared to NVR, these SNPs were also associated with SVR (rs12980275, P = 3.99
10-24, and rs8099917, P = 1.11
10-27). In further fine mapping of the region, seven SNPs (rs8105790, rs11881222, rs8103142, rs28416813, rs4803219, rs8099917 and rs7248668) located in the IL28B region showed the most significant associations (P = 5.52
10-32; OR = 22.3–27.1). Real-time quantitative PCR assays in peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed lower IL28B expression levels in individuals carrying the minor alleles (P = 0.015).
- Department of Clinical Molecular Informative Medicine, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya, Japan.
- Department of Human Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
名古屋市立大学&東京大学と全国の多数の病院からの報告。HCV-1へのPEG-IFN-a/ ribavirin(RBV)の効果にIL28の多型(rs12979860、rs8099917)が関与しているという報告。ここでの追加検索のORは強烈であり、それぞれの多型で17.7、27.1である。Cの日本人頻度は91%であるから、このORが出てくるには相当の解析数があり、それが一定の傾向を示していることが予想されるが論文本体が今現在読めないのが残念。彼らはこの領域に新たに7個の多型を見出しているが、先のORを越えるものはない(全部一つのLDブロックに入っとるということ。これ以上ブロックを分けられないということね)
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