

ENCODE project による論文報告が昨日より始まったようだ。昨朝の朝日新聞で知った。30編の論文群として一挙に公開されたため、すさまじい物量と内容である。とっかかりとしてサイエンスの論評が分かりやすいが、目に付くデータとしては

  1. 蛋白をコードする遺伝子数:20,687個

  2. 偽遺伝子数:11,224個

  3. RNA遺伝子数:18,400個
          (8,800個のsmall RNA分子、9,600個のnon-coding RNA分子【最低200bp以上】)

  4. ゲノムの80%は機能領域なのであった

  5. ゲノムの76%はtranscribeされるとのこと 


  • As a result of ENCODE, Gingeras and others argue that the fundamental unit of the genome and the basic unit of heredity should be the transcript—the piece of RNA decoded from DNA—and not the gene. “The project has played an important role in changing our concept of the gene,” Stamatoyannopoulos says.

  • 「遺伝の基本単位、あるいはゲノムの基礎単位はゲノム遺伝子ではなく、その転写物とすべきであろう」・・・・・とでも言いたいのか??
  • まさにパラダイムの転換となるかもしれないお言葉だが、少し慎重に推移を見守りたい。

ENCODE project のホームページによると

  1. Nature: 6
  2. Genome Research 18
  3. Genome Biology 6
  • 以上で合計30編となる。とても全貌はつかめない。NatureやScienceのレビューやショートストーリーで概略を追いたいが、要領よく把握するのはなかなか難しい。しばらく時間がかかりそうだ。
5 September 2012 - ENCODE results published in Nature, Science and other journals

The results of the ENCODE project were published today in a coordinated set of 30 papers published in multiple journals. These publications are the result of cross-consortium integrative analysis, covering more than 4 million regulatory regions in the human genome mapped as part of ENCODE. The coordinated publication set includes one main integrative paper and five other papers in the journal Nature; 18 papers in Genome Research; and six papers in Genome Biology. The ENCODE data are so complex that the three journals have developed a pioneering way to present the information in an integrated form they term "threads." Since the same topics were addressed in different ways in different papers, the Nature ENCODE website was developed to allow readers to follow a topic through all of the papers in the ENCODE publication set. In addition to these publications, six review articles are being published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, and other affiliated papers in Science, Cell, and other journals. The new Integrative Analysis page on this portal provides links and descriptive material for these publications and related analysis resources.

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