ARID1A Mutations in Endometriosis-Associated Ovarian Carcinomas
N Engl J Med 2010; 363:1532-1543October 14, 201
AT rich interactive domain 2 (ARID, RFX-like)
今回C型肝炎由来の肝細胞癌で10%程度変異をおこすという報告がARID2であった。いずれもVogelsteinらのグループが報告しているのでややこしいが、更にややこしいのはこの遺伝子北米・ヨーロッパ系の肝細胞癌でないと変異がないようなのだ。中国の肝細胞癌では61例調べても1例(1.6%)にしか変異を認めない。今ひとつわかりにくいNature Geneticsの報告である。どうしてNature Geneticsに通るのだろう?

Nature Genetics (2011)
Received 26 April 2011
Accepted 14 July 2011
Published online 07 August 2011
Inactivating mutations of the chromatin remodeling gene ARID2 in hepatocellular carcinoma
Meng Li, Hong Zhao, Xiaosong Zhang, Laura D Wood, Robert A Anders, Michael A Choti, Timothy M Pawlik, Hubert D Daniel, Rajesh Kannangai, G Johan A Offerhaus, Victor E Velculescu, Linfang Wang, Shibin Zhou, Bert Vogelstein, Ralph H Hruban, Nick Papadopoulos, Jianqiang Cai, Michael S Torbenson & Kenneth W Kinzler
Through exomic sequencing of ten hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) and subsequent evaluation of additional affected individuals, we discovered novel inactivating mutations of ARID2 in four major subtypes of HCC (HCV-associated HCC, hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated HCC, alcohol-associated HCC and HCC with no known etiology). Notably, 18.2% of individuals with HCV-associated HCC in the United States and Europe harbored ARID2 inactivation mutations, suggesting that ARID2 is a tumor suppressor gene that is relatively commonly mutated in this tumor subtype.
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