


Nature497,67–73 (02 May 2013) 
Received 10 December 2012 
Accepted 21 March 2013 
Published online 01 May 2013 

Integrated genomic characterization of endometrial carcinoma
The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network

An integrative genomic analysis of several hundred endometrial carcinomas shows that a minority of tumour samples carry copy number alterations or TP53 mutations and many contain key cancer-related gene mutations, such as those involved in canonical pathways and chromatin remodelling; a reclassification of endometrial tumours into four distinct types is proposed, which may have an effect on patient treatment regimes.






Biospecimens were obtained from 373 patients after Institutional Review Board approved consents. DNA and RNA were co-isolated using a modified AllPrep kit (Qiagen). We used Affymetrix SNP 6.0 microarrays to detect SCNAs in 363 samples and GISTIC analysis to identify recurrent events (37). The exomes of 248 tumours were sequenced to a read-depth of at least x 20. We performed low-pass whole-genome sequencing on 107 tumours to a mean depth of  x 6. Consensus clustering was used to analyse mRNA, miRNA, RPPA and methylation data with methods previously described (38–40). Integrated cross-platform analyses were performed using MEMo, iCluster and PARADIGM (25,31).







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