
Beans and Beaksと聞いてなにかピンとくるものは?NEJMのイメージ

今週のNEJMのイメージは「Beans and Beaks」であるが、なにかピンとくるであろうか?


先週もひとりやってきたよ「Coffee Beans」。この方は前処置無しで直ちにCFをしたら、肛門から20cmくらいで割とすんなり捻れがよれて元に直ぐに戻った。CFのシャフトが入ったまま、看護師に腹部を押さえさせると、出るは出るは、ガスが延々と出続けましたな。念のため一日入院してもらったが、翌日には退院した。

今回の写真も立派なものであるが、珍しいのは12歳の少年であることだ。この子は手術で切除となったという。  Beaksというのは逆腸造影剤による途絶をいう。


「S状結腸捻転」の写真でNEJMに載ることが今後もあるのだろうか? そんなに珍しい病気なのだろうか?


Images in Clinical Medicine 

Beans and Beaks 

Hei Yi Wong, M.B., Ch.B., and Christoph Heinrich Houben, M.D. 

N Engl J Med 2013; 369:e36December 19, 2013

A 12-year-old girl presented with a 1-week history of constipation with one episode of vomiting. Initially, she had generalized abdominal pain. On admission, she reported having intermittent bilateral loin pain. She had no history of preexisting gastrointestinal disturbances. On physical examination, the abdomen was distended but soft with an empty rectum. The supine abdominal radiograph (Panel A) showed a large bowel dilatation, called the coffee-bean sign, with a cleft in the center (arrows) representing torsion of the sigmoid mesentery. Insertion of a rectal tube released a large volume of gas and a small amount of mucus. The contrast enema radiograph (Panel B) identified the bird's beak–like abrupt transition (arrows) at the level of the twist in the sigmoid lumen, confirming the volvulus. On laparotomy, a redundant segment of sigmoid colon measuring 45 cm in length and 15 cm at its widest diameter was resected. The patient's postoperative recovery was unremarkable. Sigmoid volvulus is an important cause of colon obstruction in adults but is rare in healthy children.

Hei Yi Wong, M.B., Ch.B.
Christoph Heinrich Houben, M.D.
Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China

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