- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. B, Physical and Biological Sciencesは化学、物理学、宇宙・地球科学、生物学、工学、農学、医学、薬学など、数学を除く自然科学全分野(Ser.Aで出版する数学を除く)を 対象とする英文学術誌です。本誌は、1912年に創刊された“Proceedings of the Imperial Academy”を前身としており、発刊以来、日本の研究成果を世界に発信しています。
本誌は、日本学士院会員や日本学士院賞受賞者などの日本を代表する研究成果を報告する総説論文(Review)と、最新 の研究成果を速報する原著論文(Original Article〔Short Communicationsを含む〕)を掲載し、年10回刊行しています。

そして慢性炎症であるが、下のサーモグラムのようなイメージがこのびらん様の病変部位の phを表すのだ。大事なことはこれが、「生体」であり固定も何もないということである。特殊な試薬に蛍光ラベルしているようだ。
PNAS February 8, 2011 vol. 108 no. 6 2432-2437
2D luminescence imaging of pH in vivo
Stephan Schremla,1,2, Robert J. Meierb,1, Otto S. Wolfbeisb, Michael Landthalera, Rolf-Markus Szeimiesa, and Philipp Babilasa,2
1.Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Regensburg, 93042 Regensburg, Germany; and
2.Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
Edited by Elaine Fuchs, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, and approved December 27, 2010 (received for review May 18, 2010)
- Luminescence imaging of biological parameters is an emerging field in biomedical sciences. Tools to study 2D pH distribution are needed to gain new insights into complex disease processes, such as wound healing and tumor metabolism. In recent years, luminescence-based methods for pH measurement have been developed. However, for in vivo applications, especially for studies on humans, biocompatibility and reliability under varying conditions have to be ensured. Here, we present a referenced luminescent sensor for 2D high-resolution imaging of pH in vivo. The ratiometric sensing scheme is based on time-domain luminescence imaging of FITC and ruthenium(II)tris-(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline). To create a biocompatible 2D sensor, these dyes were bound to or incorporated into microparticles (aminocellulose and polyacrylonitrile), and particles were immobilized in polyurethane hydrogel on transparent foils. We show sensor precision and validity by conducting in vitro and in vivo experiments, and we show the versatility in imaging pH during physiological and chronic cutaneous wound healing in humans. Implementation of this technique may open vistas in wound healing, tumor biology, and other biomedical fields.
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