
Triple Negative乳癌の現状:NEJMの最新の総説

NEJMの最新号にTriple Negative乳癌の総説が掲載された。わっ!と眼を見張るような総説でもないが、なかなかの労作ではあるようだ。

前半ではTriple Negativeとbasal-likeの異同についてかなり詳細に論じているが、8割くらいはオーバーラップするのかなというのが現状。「いとこのような」と表現している。全く考え方が違う領域から出てきたカテゴリーなのに似ているのが混乱のもとなのだ。

臨床的に今のところ有効な分類はTriple Negativeなので、どうしても後半はTriple Negativeについて論が進む。


・・・・The expressions “triple-negative” and “basal-like” are essentially operational rather than diagnostic. In time, they will probably be replaced by other, more specific terminology.・・・・・ 用語としてはあまり良くないので、そのうちもっときちっとした言葉に置き換えられるだろう・・・と。


This article has no abstract; the first 100 words appear below.

A PubMed search of the medical literature shows that the first mention of “triple-negative” breast cancer was in October 2006; since then, the term has appeared in more than 600 publications.1 This increase reflects the growing recognition of the importance of triple-negative breast cancer (see the Glossary for this and other key terms) by oncologists, pathologists, and geneticists, as well as by the approximately 12 to 17% of women with breast cancer who have triple-negative breast cancer. As a group, patients with triple-negative tumors have a relatively poor outcome and cannot be treated with endocrine therapy or therapies targeted to . . .

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