- 今 世紀になって味覚の科学はのりに乗っている。当時ようやく入手可能となったゲノムマップによりまず「苦み」に対するレセプターが見出された。それ以来、 「甘味」「しょっぱ味」「酸味」「うま味」に対するレセプターが次々に発見された。以上がいわば厳格な「味覚の基本クラブ」であるが、最近では新メンバー の加入を考え始めている。「炭水化物味」「金っ気味」そして「脂味」である。
- 最 近さらに面白いことがわかり始めている。味というのは舌ばかりでなく、どうやら全身で感じるものだということみたいなのだ。まず味覚レセプターは腸管にも 存在するし、気道にもあるし、なんと精子にもあるのだ。もっともこいつらの機能はまだわかっていない。文化について香りの持つ意味は言うまでもないことで あり科学者、シェフそして食品業界はなんとか新しくて魅力的な味を作りたいものだと駆り立てられてきた。
- 一方味覚についても個人差があるが、これが肥満と関連しているとの研究もある。更にこれまで主観的だった味覚の科学にも新しいテクノロジーが入り込み味覚を客観的に測定する技術も進んできた。
3. Chandrashekar, J. et al. Cell 100, 703–711 (2000).
4. Boyd, W. C. Science 112, 153 (1950).
5. Nelson, G. et al. Cell 106, 381–390 (2001).
6. Nelson G. et al. Nature 416, 199–202 (2002).
7. Huang, A. L. et al. Nature 442, 934–938 (2006).
8. Chandrashekar J. et al. Science 326, 443–445 (2009).
9. Chandrashekar, J. et al. Nature 464, 297–301 (2010).
Volume 486 Number 7403 pp293-434
- 脂肪肉腫
- 悪性繊維性組織球腫(Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: MFH)
- 平滑筋肉腫
- 横紋筋肉腫
- 滑膜肉腫
- 悪性末梢神経鞘腫(Malignant Schwanoma)
かつて軟部腫瘍の分類はかなり原始的であった。紡錘形肉腫とかね。その後病理学界にはEnzingerという巨匠が出現し軟部腫瘍病理学を近代的に再構築するの成功した。その時彼が導入したのがMFHという疾患概念であった。Enzingerのおかげで20年くらい前はMFHという診断名が大いに流行(猛威をふるっていた)し、多くの肉腫が MFHに再分類されていったのだ。その後この流れは一旦止まり、現代では再び再分類されているようでMFHは減少している。このように病理診断名というのは、時代により(学問が進歩するがゆえ)変動するのである。
「日本人肉腫の病理疫学的研究」 1994年
研究課題番号:06280105→ これは当時の科学研究費研究の報告書である。PIは東大の町並教授。これに
- 椙村 春彦 研究者番号:00196742 浜松医科大学・助教授
- 野島 孝之 研究者番号:50142732 金沢医科大学・教授
- 吉田 春彦 研究者番号:40037429 鳥取大学・医療技術短期大学部・教授
- 恒吉 正澄 研究者番号:20091259 九州大学・医学部・教授
- 牛込 新一郎 研究者番号:70081643 東京慈恵会医科大学・教授
- 北大の症例では、見直しを行っても脂肪肉腫が第1位であったが、第5位(8%)であったMFHが第2位(16%)に、
- 東大の症例ではMFHが第6位(4%)から第1位(20%)に、
- 鳥取大学の症例でも第8位(3.3%)であったMFHが第2位(17.4%)に上昇している。
- 見直し後の診断により、1979年〜1989年の症例をまとめると、北大ではMFH(17%)、横紋筋肉腫(15%)、脂肪肉腫(14%)
- 東大では、MFH(13%)、脂肪肉腫(8%)、横紋筋肉腫(6%)、
- 慈恵医大では脂肪肉腫(17%)、MFH(11%)、横紋筋肉腫(11%)、
- 鳥取大ではMFH(24.7%)、脂肪肉腫(19%)、平滑筋肉腫(16%)、
- 九州大では、MFH(20%)、脂肪肉腫(10%)、平滑筋肉腫(10%)の順であった。
- 北大では第4位(5%)であったMFHが骨肉腫及び軟骨肉腫に次いで第3位(12%)に、
- 東大では第9位であったMFHが、骨肉腫、骨髄腫、軟骨肉腫、脊索腫に次いで第5位に、
- 鳥取大では見直しを行ってもMFHの頻度には変化がなく、骨肉腫、骨髄腫、軟骨肉腫に次いで第4位であった。
見直し後の1970〜1989年の骨悪性腫瘍の頻度の順位をまとめると、- 北大では骨肉腫(49%)、軟骨肉腫(22%)、MFH(11%)、悪性リンパ腫(6%)、脊索腫(5%)、骨髄種(4%)、
- 東大では、骨髄種(31%)、骨肉腫(23%)、軟骨肉腫(11%)にMFH(6%)、
- 慈恵医大では、骨肉腫(59%)、軟骨肉腫(19%)、傍骨性骨肉腫(6%)、MFH(4%)、
- 鳥取大では骨肉腫(12%)、軟骨肉腫(4%)、骨髄種(4%)、MFH(2%)、ユ-イング肉腫(1%)、
- 九州大では骨肉腫(52%)、MFH(17%)、軟骨肉腫(17%)の順であった・・・・
流れを変えたのはFletcherという病理医。この人の↓の論文(1992年のAm J Surg Pathol)で流れが変わっていくようだ。Fact or Fictionなんて挑戦的だな。
Pleomorphic Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: Fact or Fiction?: A Critical Reappraisal Based on 159 Tumors Diagnosed as Pleomorphic Sarcoma
Fletcher, Christopher D.M.
American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 16(3):213-228, March 1992.
- Pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is regarded as the most common soft tissue sarcoma of adulthood, but no definable criteria exist for its diagnosis. Possibly its only distinctive feature is its apparent lack of specific differentiation. To determine the validity of pleomorphic MFH, 159 tumors diagnosed as pleomorphic sarcomas have been reassessed morphologically, immuno-histochemically, and ultrastructurally, where possible. Of these 97 cases (63%) proved to be specific sarcomas other than MFH, 20 proved to be nonmesenchymal neoplasms, and 42 were unclassifiable (of which 21 were either small biopsies or subtotally necrotic). Only 13% of these cases were eligible for consideration as MFH, but these showed no reproducible histological differences from the other tumors studied, nor was this group morphologically consistent. These tumors showed no evidence of true monocyte/macrophage differentiation. It is postulated that pleomorphic MFH is a noncohesive heterogeneous group of poorly differentiated neoplasms, a term that has become a meaningless diagnosis of convenience. With sufficient effort, a specific line of differentiation can be identified in the majority of pleomorphic malignant soft tissue tumors; with advances in investigative technology, the proportion that remain unclassifiable is very likely to diminish further in the future.
私のささやかな意見であるが、Enzinger & WeissによるMFHという概念があって初めて分類学としての病理学は大いに進んだんだと思う。そこから再分類が試みられ、次のより洗練された疾患分類ができるのなら、MFHというのはすぐれて優秀な作業仮説だったということだ。Fletcherの次の世代はmolecular biologyで肉腫を攻めているはずだ(私は詳細を知らないが)。molecular classificationなんて提言はいくらでもありそうだが、寡聞にして知らない。
Fletcherの次に何が待っているか?第二のEnzinger & Weissがやってくるかもしれない。Aufhebenなら良いわけだが。
腫瘍のclinical behaviorと分子分類が一致するような新体系で現状の診断体系より洗練したもの。そこに病理形態組織が入り込む余地が全くないような分類(つまり顕微鏡をのぞいてもどうしてその診断名になるのか全くわからないような診断体系)が登場するかもしれない。それでも臨床には役に立つ分類。
今興味があるのは アルフレッド・パールというひと。昨日まではまったく知らなかった。Naxosでは15分間無料で試聴ができるので、とりあえず掲載されているピアニストで知らないヒトのクープランの一曲目(Prelude)を聴きまくった。その中で抜群にテクニックが冴えていたのがパールだ。全集で5000円近くするので、ちょっと考えてしまうがこれは買わなければと思う。
「Molecular Cloning」海賊版のこと
ずいぶん可愛らしい装丁であり、マッキントッシュのソフトウェアの表装かと見間違えそうである。「Molecular Cloning」この本には世話になった。他に本が無かったからな。小生が分子生物学を見よう見まねで学べたのは、この本を読みこなしたからだ。東大医科研から随分経ってよいベンチ本が出たが、それまでの世代は皆、この本で方法論を学んだことでしょう。小生らの頃は著者名で「マニアティス」と呼称していた。サムブルックではないよ。Sambrookと呼ばれたのはその後のことでしょうな。
私の持っているのは初版である。とはいえないな。小生の本は正直言って海賊本である。B5くらいのハードカバーの一冊本である。ですから字が極めて小さい。ある日大学の研究室に「おじさん」が売りにきたので、当たり前のように買ったのだ。今でこそ「海賊本」であったのだと認識できるが、購入時は講師の先生が「Molecular Cloning自分用に買っといたほうがいいよ。昼休みおじさんが売りにくるから、よろしくね!」と言われて、なにも余計なことを考えずに買ったのである。これが本物だと思っていたからな。そういえばあの頃は(20年くらい前かしら?)は、こんなハードカバー本が多かった。日本にもである。海賊版など、今は流行らないでしょうし、大学でそんなものが売られていることなど許されない時代だけど、当時はおおらかというか、いい加減だったのだろうな。
・・・・・KRAS mutant alleles were detectable in the blood of cetuximab-treated patients as early as 10 months before radiographic documentation of disease progression・・・・
Received 08 December 2011
Accepted 23 April 2012
Published online 13 June 2012
Emergence of KRAS mutations and acquired resistance to anti-EGFR therapy in colorectal cancer
- A main limitation of therapies that selectively target kinase signalling pathways is the emergence of secondary drug resistance. Cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds the extracellular domain of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is effective in a subset of KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancers. After an initial response, secondary resistance invariably ensues, thereby limiting the clinical benefit of this drug. The molecular bases of secondary resistance to cetuximab in colorectal cancer are poorly understood. Here we show that molecular alterations (in most instances point mutations) of KRAS are causally associated with the onset of acquired resistance to anti-EGFR treatment in colorectal cancers.
- Expression of mutant KRAS under the control of its endogenous gene promoter was sufficient to confer cetuximab resistance, but resistant cells remained sensitive to combinatorial inhibition of EGFR and mitogen-activated protein-kinase kinase (MEK). Analysis of metastases from patients who developed resistance to cetuximab or panitumumab showed the emergence of KRAS amplification in one sample and acquisition of secondary KRAS mutations in 60% (6 out of 10) of the cases.
- KRAS mutant alleles were detectable in the blood of cetuximab-treated patients as early as 10 months before radiographic documentation of disease progression. In summary, the results identify KRAS mutations as frequent drivers of acquired resistance to cetuximab in colorectal cancers, indicate that the emergence of KRAS mutant clones can be detected non-invasively months before radiographic progression and suggest early initiation of a MEK inhibitor as a rational strategy for delaying or reversing drug resistance.
肝癌deep sequenceによる遺伝子変異解析:2報
(1) 肝癌27例のdeep sequenceによる遺伝子変異解析であり、理化学研究所を中心とする研究グループによるものである。多発肝癌それぞれが変異に関してはindependentと書いてある。肝癌では昨年ARID2の変異報告が米国からあり、その論文ではアジアの肝癌(実際には中国の肝癌であった)にはその変異がほとんど認められないとあったが、今回の報告では
ARID1A, ARID1B, ARID2, MLL and MLL3, were mutated in ~50% of the tumors
Nature Genetics
(2012)Received 17 January 2012
Accepted 30 April 2012
Published online 27 May 2012
Whole-genome sequencing of liver cancers identifies etiological influences on mutation patterns and recurrent mutations in chromatin regulators
Akihiro Fujimoto,Yasushi Totoki,Tetsuo Abe,Keith A Boroevich,Fumie Hosoda,Ha Hai Nguyen,Masayuki Aoki,Naoya Hosono,Michiaki Kubo, Fuyuki Miya,Yasuhito Arai,Hiroyuki Takahashi,Takuya Shirakihara,Masao Nagasaki, Tetsuo Shibuya,Kaoru Nakano,Kumiko Watanabe-Makino,Hiroko Tanaka,Hiromi Nakamura,Jun Kusuda,Hidenori Ojima,Kazuaki Shimada,Takuji Okusaka,Masaki Ueno,Yoshinobu,Shigekawa,Yoshiiku Kawakami,Koji Arihiro,Hideki Ohdan,Kunihito Gotoh, Osamu Ishikawa,Shunichi,Ariizumi,Masakazu Yamamoto,Terumasa Yamada,Kazuaki Chayama,Tomoo Kosuge,Hiroki Yamaue,Naoyuki Kamatani,Satoru Miyano,Hitoshi Nakagama,Yusuke Nakamura,Tatsuhiko Tsunoda,Tatsuhiro Shibata& Hidewaki NakagawaHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. We sequenced and analyzed the whole genomes of 27 HCCs, 25 of which were associated with hepatitis B or C virus infections, including two sets of multicentric tumors. Although no common somatic mutations were identified in the multicentric tumor pairs, their whole-genome substitution patterns were similar, suggesting that these tumors developed from independent mutations, although their shared etiological backgrounds may have strongly influenced their somatic mutation patterns. Statistical and functional analyses yielded a list of recurrently mutated genes. Multiple chromatin regulators, including ARID1A, ARID1B, ARID2, MLL and MLL3, were mutated in ~50% of the tumors. Hepatitis B virus genome integration in the TERT locus was frequently observed in a high clonal proportion. Our whole-genome sequencing analysis of HCCs identified the influence of etiological background on somatic mutation patterns and subsequent carcinogenesis, as well as recurrent mutations in chromatin regulators in HCCs.
Nature Genetics
(2012)Received 23 January 2012
Accepted 30 April 2012
Published online 27 May 2012
Genome-wide survey of recurrent HBV integration in hepatocellular carcinoma
To survey hepatitis B virus (HBV) integration in liver cancer genomes, we conducted massively parallel sequencing of 81 HBV-positive and 7 HBV-negative hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) and adjacent normal tissues. We found that HBV integration is observed more frequently in the tumors (86.4%) than in adjacent liver tissues (30.7%). Copy-number variations (CNVs) were significantly increased at HBV breakpoint locations where chromosomal instability was likely induced. Approximately 40% of HBV breakpoints within the HBV genome were located within a 1,800-bp region where the viral enhancer, X gene and core gene are located. We also identified recurrent HBV integration events (in ≥4 HCCs) that were validated by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and Sanger sequencing at the known and putative cancer-related TERT, MLL4 and CCNE1 genes, which showed upregulated gene expression in tumor versus normal tissue. We also report evidence that suggests that the number of HBV integrations is associated with patient survival.
まずゲノム屋としてはとても興味を引かれるのがNature Geneticsの二つの論文である。
Nature Genetics 44, 642–650 (2012)
Received 12 September 2011
Accepted 09 April 2012
Published online 06 May 2012
Detectable clonal mosaicism from birth to old age and its relationship to cancer
Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
We detected clonal mosaicism for large chromosomal anomalies (duplications, deletions and uniparental disomy) using SNP microarray data from over 50,000 subjects recruited for genome-wide association studies. This detection method requires a relatively high frequency of cells with the same abnormal karyotype (>5–10%; presumably of clonal origin) in the presence of normal cells. The frequency of detectable clonal mosaicism in peripheral blood is low (<0.5%) from birth until 50 years of age, after which it rapidly rises to 2–3% in the elderly. Many of the mosaic anomalies are characteristic of those found in hematological cancers and identify common deleted regions with genes previously associated with these cancers. Although only 3% of subjects with detectable clonal mosaicism had any record of hematological cancer before DNA sampling, those without a previous diagnosis have an estimated tenfold higher risk of a subsequent hematological cancer (95% confidence interval = 6–18).Nature Genetics 44, 642–650 (2012)
Received 29 September 2011
Accepted 09 April 2012
Published online 06 May 2012
Detectable clonal mosaicism and its relationship to aging and cancer
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Rockville, Maryland, USA.
In an analysis of 31,717 cancer cases and 26,136 cancer-free controls from 13 genome-wide association studies, we observed large chromosomal abnormalities in a subset of clones in DNA obtained from blood or buccal samples. We observed mosaic abnormalities, either aneuploidy or copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity, of >2 Mb in size in autosomes of 517 individuals (0.89%), with abnormal cell proportions of between 7% and 95%. In cancer-free individuals, frequency increased with age, from 0.23% under 50 years to 1.91% between 75 and 79 years (P = 4.8 × 10−8). Mosaic abnormalities were more frequent in individuals with solid tumors (0.97% versus 0.74% in cancer-free individuals; odds ratio (OR) = 1.25; P = 0.016), with stronger association with cases who had DNA collected before diagnosis or treatment (OR = 1.45; P = 0.0005). Detectable mosaicism was also more common in individuals for whom DNA was collected at least 1 year before diagnosis with leukemia compared to cancer-free individuals (OR = 35.4; P = 3.8 × 10−11). These findings underscore the time-dependent nature of somatic events in the etiology of cancer and potentially other late-onset diseases.☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
NEJM, June 4, 2012
Improved Survival with MEK Inhibition in BRAF-Mutated Melanoma
Activating mutations in serine–threonine protein kinase B-RAF (BRAF) are found in 50% of patients with advanced melanoma. Selective BRAF-inhibitor therapy improves survival, as compared with chemotherapy, but responses are often short-lived. In previous trials, MEK inhibition appeared to be promising in this population.
In this phase 3 open-label trial, we randomly assigned 322 patients who had metastatic melanoma with a V600E or V600K BRAF mutation to receive either trametinib, an oral selective MEK inhibitor, or chemotherapy in a 2:1 ratio. Patients received trametinib (2 mg orally) once daily or intravenous dacarbazine (1000 mg per square meter of body-surface area) or paclitaxel (175 mg per square meter) every 3 weeks. Patients in the chemotherapy group who had disease progression were permitted to cross over to receive trametinib. Progression-free survival was the primary end point, and overall survival was a secondary end point.
Median progression-free survival was 4.8 months in the trametinib group and 1.5 months in the chemotherapy group (hazard ratio for disease progression or death in the trametinib group, 0.45; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.33 to 0.63; P<0.001). At 6 months, the rate of overall survival was 81% in the trametinib group and 67% in the chemotherapy group despite crossover (hazard ratio for death, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.92; P=0.01). Rash, diarrhea, and peripheral edema were the most common toxic effects in the trametinib group and were managed with dose interruption and dose reduction; asymptomatic and reversible reduction in the cardiac ejection fraction and ocular toxic effects occurred infrequently. Secondary skin neoplasms were not observed.
Trametinib, as compared with chemotherapy, improved rates of progression-free and overall survival among patients who had metastatic melanoma with a BRAF V600E or V600K mutation.以上の論文に関連してRAF活性型腫瘍へのTrametinibという分子標的薬剤の総説である
Promises from Trametinib in RAF Active Tumors
Wnt発見から30年を記念して「Wntと疾患」を巡ってのCell誌の総説である。Hans Cleversが書いた論考。この総説の最後に10個のテーマが述べられている。このテーマを眺めることがWntの現状把握には手っ取り早いと思えるのだ。小生がWntに興味があったわけではない。ただ、幹細胞特に癌幹細胞の基盤分子であるLgr4,5,6を追いかけていると、Wnt系にだんだん絡めとられていくのだ。この総説でもLgrは大きなサブテーマだ。
Cell, Volume 149, Issue 6, 1192-1205, 8 June 2012
Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Disease
Hans Clevers, Roel NusseBy reviewing the current status of Wnt signaling, we realized how many questions in this field remain unanswered. We highlight ten of those questions, hoping to inspire future research.
(1) What is the evolutionary origin of Wnt signals? Wnt genes and signaling components are found in all metazoan animals, including sponges. Given that Wnts are intercellular signals, it is not surprising that they are not present in unicellular organisms. Although the recently established Wnt-Fz structure has not yet pointed to a particular evolutionary origin, one can speculate that Wnts have a more ancient origin, possibly derived from enzymes secreted by prokaryotes.
(2) What is the nature of Wnt as a signal? Is the protein active by itself, or is it packaged in membranes, together with possible cofactors? The importance of “Wnt delivery” needs to be understood.
(3) Where does Wnt signaling take place in cells? Whereas Hedgehog signaling is located at the primary cilium, the subcellular location of Wnt signaling events remains unknown, though the endosomal compartment has been implicated as a signaling center.
(4) Besides the well-studied Frizzled and LRP receptors, there are other mechanisms for Wnt reception that involve the tyrosine kinases ROR and RYK. There is very little insight into the mechanisms of action of these receptors, and they deserve more intense study.
(5) How is the stabilized form of β-catenin ferried into the nucleus? Is there a role for active microtubule-based transport?
(6) How does Wnt signaling coordinate cell fate changes with changes in cell shape and polarity? This is a key question in many developmental contexts of Wnt signaling, including stem cells.
(7) Many different kinds of stem cells are controlled by Wnts, in such a way that self-renewal and the developmental potential of the cells are preserved by the Wnt signal. Is there a universal “stemness” property conferred to cells by Wnts?
(8) How much of the genome is Wnt controlled across various cell types? Given the broad effects of Wnt signaling and many Wnt target cells, the total number of Wnt-controlled genes could be significant.
(9) Are cancer stem cell behaviors controlled by Wnt signaling? The definition of cancer stem cells as being able to self-renew the tumorigenic state but also able to differentiate suggests that their behavior is dependent on external signals, such as Wnts.
(10) Can we identify bona fide and effective Wnt inhibitors? Though several molecules have been described to inhibit Wnt signaling in cells, there is a great need for additional reagents interfering with the Wnt pathway.
- なにより、音・画像が素晴らしい。
- 次に彼女のドイツ語による機関銃的おしゃべりの凄さ
- テーマががドビッシーであり、12の練習曲であること
- いろんな作曲家のイデアを交えながらの解説は圧巻である
Debussy 12 Etudes : interview Mitsuko Uchida part1
Debussy 12 Etudes : interview Mitsuko Uchida part2