

磁石が二枚左右の鼻腔に入って固着した11歳のいたずら坊主。磁力が強すぎて救急室では取り出すことができなかった。全麻下に手術室で取り除いたとのことだ。鼻腔中隔が壊死を起こすので準緊急処置がいる事例なのだ。なお手術室で磁石を取り除くのにも磁石(household magnets)を用い、鼻の外側から徐々に外側に移動させたとのこと。


ちなみに小生がこの事例を紹介しようと思ったのは事例の奇異さだけではない。解説文に現れる「epistaxis 」が小生のペンネームEpistasis と「めまい」したためである。この2つは似て非なるものである。epistaxisは鼻血である。epistasisには未だ日本語定訳がない(といってよい)。

Images in Clinical Medicine

Button Magnets in the Nasal Cavity

Kadir C. Kazikdas, M.D., and Mehmet A. Dirik, M.D.
N Engl J Med 2017; 377:1666 October 26, 2017

An 11-year-old boy was brought to the emergency department 6 hours after he had inserted button magnets in both sides of his nose. He had been unable to remove the magnets and presented with epistaxis and severe pain. Examination of the nasal cavity showed mucus and crusted blood. Radiography of the face revealed two disk-shaped foreign bodies at the same level across the nasal septum (Panel A shows the coronal view, and Panel B the sagittal view). Attracting nasal magnets necessitate emergency removal because they can compress the mucosa of the nasal septum, leading to necrosis and septal perforation. Attempts to remove the magnets in the emergency department were unsuccessful because of intense adherence, and the patient was taken to the operating room for removal of the magnets while he was under general anesthesia. The magnets were elevated off the nasal septum with the help of household magnets that were placed externally on both sides of the nose. The magnets had caused compression and mucoperichondrial erosion of the septal cartilage. Adhesion barriers were placed over the traumatized tissue surfaces, and splints were applied for 10 days. At follow-up 6 months later, the previously exposed cartilage was covered by healthy nasal mucosa.

Kadir C. Kazikdas, M.D.
Mehmet A. Dirik, M.D.
Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus

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