この14ヶ月の間にはSnyder 教授は Rhinovirusによる風邪をひいたり、糖尿病イベントが起こったりとそれなりの病的状態に罹患しているが、健康状態から病気罹患に移行するときのヒトの全プロフィルの変化が観察され、データが記録に残っているのだからスリリングではないか!
- Sample Collection
- Human Rhinovirus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Detection
- Whole-Genome Sequencing
- Whole-Exome Sequencing
- Sanger DNA Sequencing
- Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing: mRNA-Seq
- Small RNA Sequencing: microRNA-Seq
- PBMC and Serum Shotgun Proteome Profiling
- Peptide Separation
- Proteomics MS Analysis
- Proteomics Data Processing and Analysis
- Serum Metabolome Profiling
- Metabolomics Data Processing and Analysis
- Serum C-Reactive Protein and Plasma Insulin Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assays
- Serum Cytokine Profiling
- Blood Glucose, Glycated HbA1c, and Triglyceride Measurement
- Autoantibodyome Profiling
- Telomere Length Assay
- Genome Phasing
- Variants Identified in RNA: Heteroallelic Expression and RNA Editing
- Variants Identified in Proteins
- Von Willebrand Factor Cleaving Protease Activity Assay
- General Omics Analysis Framework and Result Summaries
- Analysis Framework
Cell, Volume 148, Issue 6, 1293-1307, 16 March 2012
Personal Omics Profiling Reveals Dynamic Molecular and Medical Phenotypes
Tailoring Medicine with Supersized OmicsMichael Snyder and colleagues present the first personalized medicine study on an individual—Mike himself. Genome sequencing, transcription profiling, and quantitative metabolomic analyses for 14 months offers a comprehensive view of healthy and disease states, including two viral infections and the onset of type 2 diabetes.
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