Global Survey of Phosphotyrosine Signaling Identifies Oncogenic Kinases in Lung Cancer
Cell, Vol 131, 1190-1203, 14 December 2007
この図がすべて(C) Schematic representation of the EML4, ALK, and EML4-ALK fusion proteins. Arrow indicates the chromosomal breakpoint.
(D) Schematic representation of the TFG, ALK, and TFG-ALK fusion proteins. Arrow indicates the chromosomal breakpoint.
(E) Schematic representation of the SLC34A2, ROS, and SLC34A2-ROS fusion proteins. Arrow indicates the chromosomal breakpoint.
(F) Schematic representation of the CD74, ROS, and CD74-ROS fusion proteins. Arrow indicates the chromosomal breakpoint.
このうち最初のEML4-ALK は自治医の間野さんところからこの8月に出たもの(Nature)、大腸癌も負けられません!
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